"Whale Songs" is an episode of Baby Shark's Big Show! from the third season.
Hank gets a bad case of stage fright when his dad asks him to sing a song in the Whale Choir.
- Baby Shark
- Hank
- Goldie
- Sherman
- Jozi
- Rocky
- Jack-o-leen
- Mail Whale
- Gail Whale
- Briny
- Slobby
- Big Fin
- Snooby Orca
- Snobby Orca
- This is the ninth episode segment of the series that focuses on Hank.
- The first being "Rocky-Bye", the second being "Bad Hank", the third being "Fort Fin-ship", the fourth being "The Slug Hank Redemption", the fifth being "Doctor Drama", the sixth being "Sherman in the Middle", the seventh being "Finception", and the eighth being "The Cutie Pirate".
- This is the fourth episode segment where it was mentioned that Hank has stage fright.
- The first being "Fish Friends Forever", the second being "The Masked Fishy", and the third being "Saltwater Studios".
- This is the fifth episode segment where Jack-o-leen appears.
- The first being "The Treat Goblin", the second being "Goldie's Greatest Role", the third being "Goldie's Understudies", and the fourth being "Assembly Required".
- This is the second time Hank dresses as the Masked Fishy.
- The first being the Season 1 episode segment of the same name.
- This is the second episode segment of the series where Gail Whale appears.
- The first being "A Mail Whale Tale".
- This is the eighth episode segment of the series where William is absent.
- The first being "A Tail of Two Fathers", the second being "2 Cool 4 Rules", the third being "The Cutie Pirate", the fourth being "Swim Break", the fifth being "The Lost Remote", the sixth being "Best Finemies" and the seventh being "Assembly Required".
- Also, this is the first episode segment William is absent in that his voice actor, Luke Youngblood, participated in.
- This is the second episode segment of the series where Briny is moved from her usual spot.
- The first being "Finloose".
- This is the first episode of the series where Snooby Orca & Snobby Orca appears after 2 Seasons.
- Ever since their debut in the series back in the series premiere special "All I Want for Fishmas".
To view the transcript, view here.
- Backups