"The Trouble With Bunny Slugs" is an episode of Baby Shark's Big Show! from the second season.
When a group of bunny slugs wander off, Vola sets out to round them up all by herself.
- Vola
- Bunny Slugs
- Charlie (debut)
- Baby Shark
- William
- Chucks
- Goldie
- Hank
- Grandpa Shark
- Grandma Shark
- Wallace (brief apparence)
- Mayor Anchovy
- Mommy Shark (cameo)
- Rayna (brief apparence)
- Barb
- Scoops (cameo)
- Vigo (cameo)
- This is the fourth episode segment of the series that focuses on Vola.
- The first being "Medieval Tides", the second being "The Great Skate Case" and the third being "Extreme Dodge Bubble".
- This is the second episode segment of the series to be cowboy themed.
- The first being "Rainy Day Roundup".
- In addition, Baby Shark and William wear the same cowboy outfits from the aforementioned episode.
- Coincidentally, both episodes have the 13A production code.
- After the first quarter of the episode, the rest of the episode becomes widescreen.
- This is the second episode segment of the series where Vigo makes a cameo appearance.
- The first being "A Mail Whale Tale".
- In the Latin American Spanish's audio, Barb's dialogue is muted.