"Substitute Toothfish Fairy" is an episode of Baby Shark's Big Show! from the third season.
The Toothfish Fairy asks Daddy Shark to take her place.
- Baby Shark
- Daddy Shark
- Toothfish Fairy
- Ernie
- Barb
- Mariana
- Bentley
- William (brief appearance)
- Ashley & Splashley (cameo)
- Hank (only the song)
- Chucks (only the song)
- Vola (only the song)
- Axel (only the song)
- Additional characters to be announced
To view the transcript, view here.
- This is the eighth episode segment of the series where Bentley Barracuda appears.
- The first being "Daddyshack", the second being "Good Trouble", the third being "Best in Flow", the fourth being "Vigo's Surprise, the fifth being "The Slug Hank Redemption", the sixth being "The Freeze Out" and the seventh being "Dinner with Bentley".
- This is the second time Baby Shark lost a tooth.
- The first being "Baby Tooth".
- This is the fifth episode segment of the series where Mariana appears.
- The first being "Shark-Off", the second being "Lagoon Lemonade", the third being "Washed Up" and the fourth being "The Cutie Pirate".
- This is the second episode segment of the series where the Toothfish Fairy appears.
- The first being in "Baby Tooth".
- This is the fourth episode segment of the series to be set entirely at night.
- The first being "Baby Shark's Haunted Halloween", the second being "The Treat Goblin", and the third being "Funny Fish".
- Eric is credited in the cast of this episode segment in the credits, despite not appearing in the episode at any point.