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Mommy Works From Home is an episode of Baby Shark's Big Show! Shorts.


Mommy Works From Home

Title Screen

Baby realizes his jaws make the perfect hole-puncher just in time to help Mommy out with her big report.[1]


Official Video[]


-💻NEW- Mommy Works from Home - Baby Shark's Big Show! Nickelodeon x Baby Shark- Baby Shark Official


Mommy Shark: (is organizing some papers while humming) And done! 999 pages!

Baby Shark: (swims at full speed) Hi, Mommy!

Mommy Shark: (Baby's fast swimming causes the pile of papers to wobble and some papers fall off the top, notices it) Oh! (takes the fallen papers in time) (sighs)

Baby Shark: (reunits with her) Mommy! Let's go out and play!

Mommy Shark: Sorry, Baby, I can't. I'm working from home.This 41A form isn't going to file itself. (laughs) (puts the papers back to the pile, Baby is fascinated)

Baby Shark: Ooh! Filing!

Mommy Shark: I know, right?

Baby Shark: (chuckles) Can I help?

Mommy Shark: Sure! Together, we'll chop my workload in half. Wait here and I'll get you my special hole punch from the safe. (goes to her hole punch)

Baby Shark: Chop it in half, ay? (takes some papers and chomps wrongly) (takes some papers and chomps more) (laughs and then feed all the complete pile of papers) Mm...!

(Mommy Shark backs with her hole punch, but found out the Baby's mess.)

Baby Shark: Look, Mommy! I chopped the paperwork in half! A bunch of times! Now it's confetti!

Mommy Shark: (worries) Oh, no! (takes some confetti) My sweet 41A form! I didn't mean we would literally chop it in half, Baby. I meant we could get it done faster!

Baby Shark: Aw, I knew it tasted important! Sorry, I misunderstood, Mommy. I just wanted to help!

Mommy Shark: And I appreciate that. But next time, please ask me first. Now, I only have five minutes to print the report and hole-punch it. Maybe if you help me, I can make my deadline. What do you say?

Baby Shark: Let's get to work!

(Baby Shark and Mommy Shark start to work as start a sing.)

♪ We gotta print! ♪
♪ We gotta file! ♪
♪ Stay organized! Put it in a pile! ♪

♪ Stack it up! Get it done! ♪
♪ Working from home Is so much fun! ♪

♪ Working from home! Oh, yeah! ♪ [BIS]
♪ Working from home! ♪ [BIS]

Mommy Shark: Whoo! We're almost done! All I have to do now is add holes with my handy dandy hole punch. (puts her hole punch, but its broken) Oh, no! My hole punch is broken! Mmh...

Baby Shark: I have an idea. Mommy, may I try something?

Mommy Shark: Thanks for asking, Baby. Yes, you may. (Baby chomps, but just to do the holes correctly) That's fin-tastic! Baby, you saved the day!

Baby Shark: (offrers her some papers) Wanna try?

Mommy Shark: (recives it and chomps to do the holes correctly) Mm! Tastes like efficiency!

Baby Shark: (chuckles) We make a jaw-some team!

Mommy Shark: So now that we're done with that 41A, let's 41 party!

Baby Shark and Mommy Shark: (start the part while laughing) Whoo!


Working From Home


"All I Want for Fishmas" • "Fish Friends Forever" / "Jelly Pox" • "Baby Tooth" / "Slobber Slug" • "Super Shark" / "William Vs. Wild" • "Legendary Loot" / "Yup Day" • "When You Wish Upon a Fish" / "Shark-Off" • "The Show Must Flow On" / "Detective Baby Shark" • "Baby Mayor" / "Sink or Swim" • "Captain Kelp" / "Teensy the Tardigrade" • "Shadowland" / "Medieval Tides" • "Baby Shark's Haunted Halloween" / "Wavey Jones' Locker" • "Daddyshack" / "Rocky-Bye" • "Rainy Day Roundup" / "Deep Goo Sea" • "Coach Grandma" / "Busy Baby" • "Snowball Bonanza" / "The Present" • "Shark Strength" / "Good Trouble" • "Best Fin-Ship Day" / "The Great Skate Case" • "William Manta: News Fish” / “Sleeping Like a Baby Shark" • "The Seaweed Sway" / "Flow Bros" • "A Shark Day's Night" / "Bad Hank" • "Shark Prank" / "Lagoon Lemonade" • "The Lost Jelly" / "Coral Dilemma" • "Operation Happy Mommies" / "Buds at First Bite" • "A Mail Whale Tale" / "Swimming With the Sharks" • "A Tail of Two Fathers" / "Welcome Wagon" • "The Masked Fishy" / "The Best Friends Game"
"Fort Fin-ship" / "Water Buggin'" • "Best in Flow" / Blizzard Wizard" • "The Secret Password" / "Monday Funday" • "The Treat Goblin" / "Baby Super Shark" • "Extreme Dodge Bubble" / The Lost Tickets" • "Tour Fishies" / "Sorry, Not Sorry" • "Fishtival of Lights" / "Shadow on Ice" • "The Lucky Necklace" / "Vigo's Surprise" • "Call me Billiam" / "The Finship Trap" • "Shark House Rock" / "Toothpaste Tumble" • "Splish Splashketball" / "The Slug Hank Redemption" • "Picture Imperfect" / "The Fishy Friends Talent Show" • "The Trouble With Bunny Slugs" / "Life With Chumby" • "Washed Up" / "2 Cool 4 Rules" • "Doctor Drama" / "The White Whale" • "Sherman in the Middle" / "Smoothie Day" • "Finterstellar" / "Goldie's Greatest Role" • "Deep Dark Disco" / "Finception" • "Old Shark Bride" / "Swimming Solo" • "The Freeze Out" / "The Crystal Coral Conundrum" • "Fishy Force" / "Superhero Training Day" • "Findependence Day" / "Costello Quits" • "Funny Fish" / "Club Cool" • "FLOWMO" / "Fishy Scouts" • "Finloose" / "Operation Ernie" • "Saltwater Studios" / "Sand Crabby"
"The Danceathon" / "What Goes Up • "Goldie's Fintuition" / "Raising Remy" • "The Cutie Pirate" / "Hotel Shark" • "The Time Capsule" / "Petstravaganza" • "Goldie's Understudies" / "One Little Peek" • "Swim Break" / "The Lost Remote" • "Best Finemies" / "Dinner with Bentley" • "Lannie's Lights" / "Assembly Required" • "Whale Songs" / "Tell-Tale Scooter" • "Ice Ice Vola" / "Do or Diary" • "The Power Swap" / "Shore Square" • "Blizz's Big Bite" / "Friend of a Friend" • "Daddy's Favorite" / "The Goldie Standard" • "The Nice Off" / "Substitute Toothfish Fairy" • "The William Manta Show" / "The Musical Mystery" • "Meet the Wub Wubs" / "Invinci-bubble" • "Holders Keepers" / "The Nickname King" • "Guiding Grandma" / "The Nautical Night Fair"
"Goldie's Lock" • "Chore Song" • "Mommy Works From Home" • "Crumb of a Clue" • "The Bunny Slug" • "Operation Cool Quest" • "No Time for Timeouts" • "Knock it Off" • "Hide and Hunt" • "Luck of the Claw"
"Live from the Shark House" • "Get Your Game On" • "Baby Shark's Big Movie!"