"Invinci-bubble" is an episode of Baby Shark's Big Show! from the third season.
Baby tries to stay safe by living inside a bubble.
- Baby Shark
- William
- Mommy Shark
- Daddy Shark
- Grandma Shark
- Goldie
- Vola
- Chucks
- Hank
- Rocky
- Shadow
- Bait
- Switch
- Aggie
- Neil (brief appearance)
- Daphne (cameo)
- Scoops (cameo)
- Additional characters to be announced
To view the transcript, view here.
- This is the second episode segment of the series where Baby Shark is in a bubble.
- The first being "Captain Kelp".
- Coincidentally, in both episodes, William is the one who gets Baby Shark out of the bubble.
- This is the eighth episode segment of the series where Aggie appears.
- The first being "Smoothie Day", the second being "Fishy Scouts", the third being "Lannie's Lights", the fourth being "The Goldie Standard", the fifth being "The Nice Off", the sixth being "The William Manta Show" and the seventh being "Meet the Wub Wubs".
- This is the second time the Heavy Hitters defeated Shadow's Barnacle Ball team in a Barnacle Ball game.
- The first being "Coach Grandma".
- Grandma Shark was still the Heavy Hitters' team coach since "Coach Grandma".
- This is the sixteenth episode segment of the series where Baby Shark cries.
- The first being "Fish Friends Forever", the second being "When You Wish Upon a Fish", the third being "Shark-Off", the fourth being "Best Fin-Ship Day", the fifth being "A Mail Whale Tale", the sixth being "Welcome Wagon", the seventh being "Baby Super Shark", the eighth being "The Lost Tickets", the ninth being "Tour Fishies", the tenth being "Shadow on Ice", the eleventh being "Old Shark Bride", the twelfth being "Swimming Solo", the thirteenth being "What Goes Up", the fourteenth being "The Time Capsule", and the fifteenth being "Tell-Tale Scooter".
- Also, Baby Shark and William hug each other while crying fountains of tears just like they did in "A Mail Whale Tale".