"Guiding Grandma" is an episode of Baby Shark's Big Show! from the third season.
When Grandma loses her glasses, Baby becomes her guide for the day.
- Baby Shark
- Grandma Shark
- Grandpa Shark (brief appearance)
- Mr. Clownfish
- Briny
- William (fantasy cameo)
- Additional characters to be announced
To view the transcript, view here.
- The song "As Long As I Got You" its name is a pun on Justin Bieber's 2012 song "As Long As You Love Me".
- Grandma Shark spends the majority of the episode without her glasses.
- If not counting the cameo in the skee-bubble fantasy during when Baby and Grandma are looking for ripe bubbleberries, this is the tenth episode segment of the series where William is absent.
- The first being "A Tail of Two Fathers", the second being "2 Cool 4 Rules", the third being "The Cutie Pirate", the fourth being "Swim Break", the fifth being "The Lost Remote" the sixth being "Best Finemies", the seventh being "Assembly Required", and the eighth being "Whale Songs", and the ninth being "Daddy's Favorite".
- This is the second episode segment where Baby Shark has a special occasion with Grandma Shark.
- The first being "Busy Baby".
- While helping Grandma Shark with getting her pie supplies and ingredients, Baby Shark wears the same cap he wore in "A Tail of Two Fathers".
- This is the fourth episode segment of the series where characters go through the Coral Cavern.
- The first being "Baby Tooth", the second being "Flow Bros", and the third being "The Cutie Pirate".
- As Long As I Got You