Sea, sea, Sea Otter

Sea, sea, Sea Otter - Sea Animals Songs - Animal Songs - Pinkfong Songs for Children

Upload Date April 18, 2020


Sea, sea, sea.
I am a sea otter!
Sea, sea, sea.
I am a sea otter!
Sea otter!
A mommy sea otter.
A baby sea otter.
Time to swim.
Swim, swim, swim!
I like to swim on my back.
Time to swim.
Slow, slow, slow.
A mommy sea otter.
A baby sea otter.
Time to eat.
Eat, eat, eat!
I use rocks to break open shellfish.
Time to eat.
Yum, yum, yum.
Sea, sea, sea.
I am a sea otter!
Sea, sea, sea.
I am a sea otter!
Sea otter!

A mommy sea otter.
A baby sea otter.
Time to sleep.
Sleep, sleep, sleep!
Mommy wraps me
in kelp when I sleep.
Time to sleep.
Nighty night.
