"Daddy's Favorite" is an episode of Baby Shark's Big Show! from the third season.
The Sharks compete in a gameshow to decide which of them is Daddy's favorite.
- Daddy Shark
- Baby Shark
- Mommy Shark
- Grandma Shark
- Grandpa Shark
- Wanda Whirlpool
- Teensy
- Rayna (initial brief apparence)
- Ernie Urchin (only the song)
- Squinton (only the song)
- Dr. Sawtooth (cameo)
- Additional characters to be announced
To view the transcript, view here.
- This is the tenth episode segment of the series that focuses on the Shark Family.
- The first being "Sink or Swim", the second being "Swimming With the Sharks", the third being "Water Buggin'", the fourth being "Monday Funday", the fifth being "Shark House Rock", the sixth being "Deep Dark Disco", the seventh being "Swim Break", the eighth being "Dinner with Bentley" and the nineth being "Assembly Required".
- Dr. Sawtooth is the fourth from Chomp City to visit Carnivore Cove.
- The first being Sharki B, Offshark and Kulture Shark in "The Seaweed Sway", the second being Margo Mackerel in "Funny Fish", and the third being Lannie in "The Danceathon", "One Little Peek", and "Lannie's Lights".
- Also, Dr. Sawtooth is the second character from "Baby Shark's Big Movie!" to appear in the show.
- The first being Lannie.
- This is the ninth episode segment of the series where William is absent.
- The first being "A Tail of Two Fathers", the second being "2 Cool 4 Rules", the third being "The Cutie Pirate", the fourth being "Swim Break", the fifth being "The Lost Remote" the sixth being "Best Finemies", the seventh being "Assembly Required", and the eighth being "Whale Songs".
- This is the fourth episode segment of the series where Wanda Whirlpool appears.
- The first being "Sink or Swim", the second being "The Best Friends Game" and the third being "The Lost Remote".
- An Inconvenient Tooth and Pride and Pufferfish are references to 2006’s An Inconvenient Truth and 2005’s Pride and Prejudice.
- This episode marks the second time Daddy Shark's real name, Gerald, is mentioned.
- The first being in "Baby Shark's Big Movie!"
- Also, it was revealed that Baby Shark always believed that his dad's real name was literally Daddy, not knowing that it was really Gerald.
- The headbands Baby, Mommy, Grandma, and Grandpa wore during the scavenger hunt are the same ones they wore in "Monday Funday".
- This is the third episode segment where Baby Shark wears his cowboy outfit.
- The first being "Rainy Day Roundup" and the second being "The Trouble With Bunny Slugs".
- Coincidentally, like the two aforementioned episodes, this episode also has the 13A production code.
- Grandma Shark and Grandpa Shark wear their outlaw outfits from "Rainy Day Roundup" with the only exception being their bandannas.
- The photos Daddy Shark looks at in the photo album are the same ones from "One Little Peek" and "Old Shark Bride".
- This is the first episode where the copyright info has the series' font typed on the credits, alongside "The Goldie Standard".
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