Baby Shark Brooklyn Doo Doo Doo (Korean: 아기상어 올리 뚜루루뚜루) is a Korean animated television series which originally aired on KBS1. It premiered on April 30th, 2020. It aired 12 episodes in total, lasting for one season. An English dub of the series is available to watch on YouTube.
- Baby Shark's Home Sweet Home
- Shark Family Bath Time
- Shipwreck Scare!
- The Marvelous Milo!
- A Race to the Finish
- The Case of the Ghost on 94th and Ocean
- Baby Shark's Volcano Adventure
- The Best Couple Contest
- Catch the Thief!
- The Spectacular Sardine Show!
- SOS! Crown-of-Thorns Starfish!
- Grandma Shark's Concert!
English Dub
The series was dubbed in English by Iyuno Media Group in Burbank, California.